
Richmond + Ross Pty Ltd provides consultancy services in architecture and building design, civil/structural engineering and building remediation throughout Australia.

High Level Budget Estimates

Determination of development requirements and provision of budget estimates, feasibilities and identification of development constraints, sewer, stormwater flooding, water and power supply.

Provision of Concept Plans

Architectural bulk building/ operational layouts, parking layouts, Generated traffic turning plans, services corridors and drainage.


Integration of sustainable features into the site and building fabric before the design is locked in, such as, energy efficiency, co generation, water harvesting and reuse.

Brief, Commission and Site Investigations

Review structural condition, building condition and level surveys, geo-technical, traffic, fire and acoustic requirements.

Provision of Development Application

Documentation for approvals with Council and relevant authorities and utilities.


Construction consent, tender and contract purposes in all building and services disciplines.

Stormwater Management

Innovative solutions for stormwater master planning, Water harvesting and reuse, On-site detention (OSD), flood mitigation and pollution control.

Expert Witness Services & Defect Reporting

General building works and in the fields of civil and structural engineering.




Detailed Design


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